21 de abr. de 2012

Um museu dedicado a Tolkien

DEUS! Um museu totalmente dedicado a J.R.R. Tolkien e sua obra! O Greisinger Middle-Earth Collection Museum, em Jenins,  Suíça, sera inaugurado em 2013. O museu abrigará diversos objetos relacionados a obra do autor. O post no Tumbrl Tolkenianos diz o seguinte: 

“The museum entrance is the Bilbo’s hobbithole, faithfully reconstructed, where a collection of Tolkien’s books will be on display. From there you will have access to a basement of 300 square meters where visitors will be transported to Middle-earth. The exhibition space includes life-size creatures, spectacular scenery, original paintings, collectibles, sculptures and illustrations. Furthermore, there will be an incredible collection of works by Tolkien fans around the world. Inside the museum you can also access a conference room and a private cinema.” 

Ah, grana pra viajar... rsrsrs

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